Our Invetment:
AHMPayout Ratio:
277% in profitMonitored:
302 days
1$ / 100000000$Withdrawal:
ManualLast Payout:
Dec 3rd, 2024Lifetime:
307 days
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Invest Plans:
1% daily profit forever (you can withdraw deposit at any time)Referral program:
up to 25% from referral income
Truly global success of the international digital depository «AitiMart» has been achieved as «AitiMart» guarantees income to all its clients in the amount of 1% per each calendar day.This tariff is unique because a deposit in «AitiMart» can be placed in both dollars and cryptocurrency. Currently, no bank in the world provides such opportunities. The process of accruing profit is absolutely transparent and accessible to visual perception around the clock. Accrual occurs 24 hours - in the form of a «live counter», the operation of which is fully automated and controlled by artificial intelligence. You can top up your deposit or withdraw funds almost instantly in any amount and at any time. «AitiMart»'s profit is generated from income from issuing individual loans to clients, while the lending process itself takes place remotely and is also controlled by artificial intelligence. 7 days a week - 365 days a year, the international digital depository «AitiMart» pays 1 percent daily on deposits to its clients. Register in 1 minute and start earning income right now.
Our Invetment:
AHMPayout Ratio:
126% in profitMonitored:
130 days
15$ / No LimitWithdrawal:
ManualLast Payout:
Dec 3rd, 2024Lifetime:
175 days
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Invest Plans:
1.50-17% daily for 15 to 59 days | 150-7000% after 15 to 304 daysReferral program:
- AiTiMart276.5%
- Dividend Growth227.7%
- Arbill216%
- Luxioprofit168%
- Espino161%
- Bitcoinwealth160%
- Uctraders159%
- Planetary Asset137.2%
- Selwix126%
- Clash of Сlans11.5%
- Uctraders998 days
- Luxioprofit987 days
- Arbill970 days
- Espino856 days
- Bitcoinwealth741 days
- Dividend Growth734 days
- Planetary Asset411 days
- AiTiMart302 days
- Clash of Сlans167 days
- Selwix130 days
- Dec 3rd, 2024
- Bitcoinwealth$2.00
- Dividend Growth$2.60
- Planetary Asset$1.80
- AiTiMart$30.00
- Clash of Сlans$0.10
- Selwix$15.75
- Nov 18th, 2024
- Clash of Сlans$0.10
- AiTiMart276.5%
- Dividend Growth227.7%
- Arbill216%
- Luxioprofit168%
- Espino161%
- Bitcoinwealth160%
- Uctraders159%
- Planetary Asset137.2%
- Selwix126%
- Clash of Сlans11.5%