Our Invetment:
AHMPayout Ratio:
36 days
25$ / 100000$Withdrawal:
ManualLast Payout:
Jun 21st, 2023Lifetime:
106 days
Our Rating:
Users Rating:
Invest Plans:
1% daily for 7 calendar days; 1.5% daily for 14 calendar days; 2% daily for 21 calendar days (principal return)Referral program:
5% - 2% -1%
Investing doesn't have to be complicated. With AXNEB Ltd, you can sit back and watch your wealth grow without any effort on your part. Our expert team of traders will handle the work, while you enjoy the profits. Simply choose your preferred investment plan and let us do the rest. No prior knowledge or skills required.
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- AiTiMart276.5%
- Dividend Growth227.7%
- Arbill216%
- Luxioprofit168%
- Espino161%
- Bitcoinwealth160%
- Uctraders159%
- Planetary Asset137.2%
- Selwix126%
- Clash of Сlans11.5%
- Uctraders992 days
- Luxioprofit981 days
- Arbill964 days
- Espino850 days
- Bitcoinwealth735 days
- Dividend Growth728 days
- Planetary Asset405 days
- AiTiMart296 days
- Clash of Сlans161 days
- Selwix124 days
- Dec 3rd, 2024
- Bitcoinwealth$2.00
- Dividend Growth$2.60
- Planetary Asset$1.80
- AiTiMart$30.00
- Clash of Сlans$0.10
- Selwix$15.75
- Nov 18th, 2024
- Clash of Сlans$0.10
- AiTiMart276.5%
- Dividend Growth227.7%
- Arbill216%
- Luxioprofit168%
- Espino161%
- Bitcoinwealth160%
- Uctraders159%
- Planetary Asset137.2%
- Selwix126%
- Clash of Сlans11.5%